Saturday, March 14, 2009

The essence of communicating

Communication does not simply refer to communicating with other people but also includes how an individual responds, body gestures and tone of the voice. Having good communication skills is not limited to the workplace but it is essential in all parts life. In the world of work, effective communication skills are crucial as they play a deciding role in a person's success.

In order to develop good communication skills, certain things should be taken into consideration and focused on. The basic step is to decide what an individual wants to communicate with a focus on detail and what to include or not to include. The next step is not to adopt a one-for-all approach to communicate for everyone because a certain individual may react in a different manner and should be more focused on the situation and individual.
The thirds step in effective communication is paying attention to the other person as in his/her response or body language or facial expressions and react accordingly if possible and the situation permits. In addition to paying attention to others, attention one's body language, tone and facial expression is also important. Good news with a straight face would never have the same amount of effectiveness. Another important step in building good communication skills is to learn from previous communication mistakes, which can be anything from an argument or getting the wrong order at a restaurant or not being able to stop a child from a bad habit.

There are certain factors that leads to poor communication and should be avoided at any cost; Unclear Message - in whatever context communication takes place, it should be made sure that the message is conveyed clearly without any ambiguities and if possible the sender should recheck what the listener understood, Message Overload - refers to pushing in too much information in a communication and should be avoided because it will only lead to confusion and ineffective message delivery, Time of delivery - means that communicating at a time when the listener's attention is diverted would be of no use at all, Speed of Communication - refers to the pace at which the message is being conveyed or communicated, Interruption - any communication process would fail if there are regular interruption. The mentioned aspects of a communication process should be taken into consideration while communicating as they would result the making the whole process ineffective and a wastage of time for both the parties.
Good communication skill is essential for the success of any individual and improving it would only lead to success at work and in personal life. It should be perceived as a professional skill that can be learned and used for one's advantage.

What success means to you?

"Success is getting anything out of life without violating the rights of other"

People have been striving for it all their life, and many achieving Success, and others are not so fortunate. It seems to elude them, and their life. Many have been pursuing Success for years, and others start towards it and seem to find it almost immediately. It is a concept that wars have been fought over. Success to one man was the capture and domination of another. And it has been that way for eons.

The meaning of Success comes in many forms, and many definitions. It depends on what you are searching for in life, and searching for in business. Athletes may have one definition of Success, and a stay at home mom may have another. A musician may see Success as a number one hit, and a Doctor may see Success as a surgery that went well. It really depends on the perspective of life you have. Perspectives on Success are as numerous as the stars.

Success is tough to define, yet most entrepreneurs are obsessed by it. How do you define success when everyone's concept is different? The best approach is anecdotally, not scientifically. The initial responses to an extensive, ongoing national questionnaire are worth sharing. Common themes emerge: Successful people work hard to balance their work and family life. Successful people rely on a mentor or series of mentors as their business grows. Successful people also surround themselves with other successful people and set limits on how much time they devote to their business.

True Success is simply the realization and obtainment of a worthy ideal or result that your heart is deeply connected to it. It is what births PASSION and your SUCCESS PASSION. It is what people die for. It is why some people explode out of the gates and create Success easily, and others struggle all their life. They are operating on a whole different realm of Success and actions.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


"Once you are an addict, you will always be an addict",.,

Dota is one of the favorite computer games nowadays!., When i try to gather some information to those students who played DOTA, majority of them says "yeah!,that game was fun!.,. that's one of my favorite past-time activity, i used my leisure time playing that stuff!,.In fact, I a have team that competes locally." In that statement, we could figure out the student that he/she is one of a kind of player that enjoys playing that game,..,

In my case, I started playing dota only 7 months ago,,. Me and my friends used to play counter strike.But we got bored, then my mate showed us the game dota.We started playing 2 vs 2/3 vs 3 on lan when we came together. Starting hero was Traxex, the only hero I wasn't a complete noob with.1 month I was picking random heroe's, watching builds, writing down builds.Play some games with the hero, continue with another hero. After that month I realized it was not the essence of the game. So I started to react on peoples heroes. I started to use my brain, what item can help me to defeat the enemy. Another month passed and I knew 90% of the items and heroes.In that month I played a lot of random games, to learn as much heroes as possible. Playing 4-5 years of counter strikes really helped me in reaction speed and team thinking. I'm far from being a so called "pro" dota player. But comparing myself to other players in pub or div league, I think I'm getting pretty good. So the game can only get more fun. Once you have found, I consider this game as alot of fun. I don't think it's a time waste, but a spending. Everyone got this hobbies,.,.

thE fridAy chALLengE

Two nights ago, my friend New Slang Philosopher* came over with both cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. Of course, the former included a bottle of Starbucks coffee liqueur and fat free half ‘n’ half**, while the latter included pita chips and hummus, but I was not complaining. In fact, the little feast was glorious. I put the kids to bed and New Slang Philosopher mixed drinks.
We sat at the kitchen table, drinks in one hand, pita pieces in another, and talked. We talked way into the night about motherhood and academia and the difficulty of finances and men. It was a good night, made even better by the fact that New Slang is incredibly smart in a way I’m not, but we complement each other pretty well. She’s way more theoretical and academic than I am, and her capacity for remembering specific philosophies of people like Hegel and Heidegger is astounding.
If you’re wondering why I’m not so good at those types of things, it’s because that, even though I know better, every time someone says “Hegel,” I think, “You mean
Katherine? I really liked her in Knocked Up.”
This is why, though I may teach college, I will never truly be an academic. I only win Academe Points*** because I at least know better than to mention the actress, as opposed to the philosopher.
But at my kitchen table, with a few shots of Starbucks liqueur in her, New Slang Philosopher was more in my normal league of thought. This became readily apparent when she started telling me about her conversion to Christianity as a teenager. This was immediately interesting to me, because New Slang is so different now, and because I had a conversion story myself, so I could relate. Toward the end of the story, New Slang gave a few reasons why she thought the teenage conversion worked, and so said, “And, you know, Jesus was this really cool guy.”
“Yeah. I always kinda thought that.”
“I mean, he was so charismatic. With all those sermons and the way he led people.”
“Totally agree.”
“He was kinda hot.”
I choked on my drink. “Wait What?”
“You know. He was so amazing in the Bible. Imagine what it would have been like to be around him. You’d be attracted to him.”

I tried to consider this for a moment. “Maybe,” I said. “But he’d smell bad.” When New Slang frowned at me, I added, “Because there weren’t showers.”
(Note to self: if you ever again use the sentence “because there weren’t showers” to make an argument about Biblical times, unless it's about leprosy, then I’m going to kick your ass.)“No one had showers, TM. You would have smelled the same way.”
“Oh yeah.”
"Look, don’t you think Jesus was cute?”
"Because I’ve read lots of religious and theological texts, and I’m telling you, lots of nuns think the same way.”
“I’m not sure nuns are a good litmus test…”
“I mean, every time I think about Him turning over the tables of the money changers, I get all excited. Because Jesus is fucking hot.”
“He’s totally hot! Admit it!”
“I can! Read Matthew! Read John!”
I plugged my ears. "NO! JESUS IS NOT HOT!"
New Slang laughed while I felt physically ill.
Which brings us to today. Often on my other blog, I have something I call "The Friday Challenge." Issued on a Friday, readers have several days to contemplate said challenge. I've asked people to give me their most irrational fears and write my new personal ad (not at the same time, though that does give me an idea for next week). This time, I'm asking you to post the craziest conversation you've had with anyone that would somehow rival the end of mine, which is "Jesus is fucking hot." Post your best example by Tuesday, September 16, 12:00 noon, PST. I’ll pick the winner the following Friday and he or she will get bragging rights.
Game on, people.
*So named because I think I’m going to use the term “Jesus is hot” as slang for “that’s crazy talk.” Forever and ever, Amen*.
**Does anyone else call shenanigans on fat free half ‘n’ half? I just can’t see how there isn’t something completely wrong with that concept. It must be either a total lie and is therefore loaded with fat, or it causes cancer. There can be no in between!
***which can be saved redeemed for either a tenured track position in the discipline of your choice, or a sabbatical in Greece. Proof of purchase not required.
*[The footnote of a footnote! Eat that David Foster Wallace!] The conversation above ended abruptly when I said, “I’m so putting this on the blog!”
“No! You can’t!”
“Come on. You just said, ‘Jesus is fucking hot!’ How can I not use that?”
“You can’t!”
"I’ll give you a fake name.”
“Do you do this to all of your friends?”
“Oh yes.”
"Well, okay."
"To be fair, no one has ever given me a "Jesus is fucking hot" before."
"Just don't make me look bad."
"I'll do my best, but you've set a high bar here."

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